Accepted Violence Datamosh Glitch

Jazlyn Dukes
2 min readMar 18, 2021

Accepted Violence

This glitch project is meant to show the intense violence that white heterosexual men are capable of in America. We have seen in just the 2000’s and on mass murders and hate crimes committed by these criminals. We have also seen that a majority of the main playable characters in video games are often white men. There is a popular genre of gaming in first person shooter in that the user imitates a gun-toting person and shoots enemies. There have been discussions and debates on whether violent video games and media can induce violent behaviors in young people.

This glitch is filmed in Grand Theft Auto V and shows one of the main characters going on a killing spree and murdering civilians and law enforcement. The law enforcement is powerless against this man as their bullets don’t affect the player at first. The player then tries to get away after a long spree and gets stopped finally. This is to show how violence committed by white heterosexual males in America is often brushed under the rug or portrayed in skewed light so as to not put the blame on them. Even after destroying lives and being a threat, police are only able to put them down after a lot of damage has been done.

The original game play was filmed on console and then edited in Premiere Pro. That edited video was then put through a hex editor and avidemux to get the resulting effects. This was my first time using these programs and trying to create this effect. I ran into some issues with avidemux making every frame into an I frame instead of having p frames in there as well. If I would have stayed on track and worked on this project in the weeks that it was open, im sure it would have turned out better.

gtav data mosh experiment

